Funny Reminder to Parents About Tball
While we parents love encouraging our kids to "get out there & play!", enrolling them into sports programs can be a time-consuming endeavor.
There are the entire weekends crammed with tournaments, the cost of uniforms, equipment, etc., and unpredictable weather issues to contend with.
And let's not overlook the biggest hassle- basically living in your car the entire season as you chauffeur your kids to and from every sporting event.
These parents of Twitter are all too familiar with the stress of managing kids in sports, and have a hilarious way of sharing it!
- Even tackling the sign-up process for a sports program can be complicated.
Before having children, test the limits of your sanity by spending three hours trying to navigate a youth sports sign up website.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) August 18, 2018
2. It's also pretty darn expensive…
I just want to be successful enough to sign my kids up for baseball without asking how much it costs.
— eric (@ericsshadow) November 18, 2015
3. Especially the equipment.
Coach: Good news! Your kid made the hockey team!!!
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) May 13, 2017
4. And when it comes to travel sports teams? Just.Say.NO.
Me: No matter how much your friends try to convince you to do it, just say no. Understand? Now, repeat what I just said.
9yo: Just say no to travel sports teams.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) July 30, 2018
5. Sometimes the prospect of your kid playing sports is better than the reality.
Let's get overly excited & sign our kids up for sports then hope & pray for rain so they will cancel every practice and game for the season.
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) June 9, 2015
6. Kid sports have a way of taking up all your free time (which for some, is a good thing?)
The best part of signing your kids up for sports is that it takes literally all of your time so that you never have to make plans for next weekend. Your kids will be sports-ing. Next month? Sports-ing. Next year? Still sports-ing.
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) May 2, 2018
7. Your Saturdays are no longer your own, because GAMES. Endless games.
Let's get married and have kids so instead of sleeping in on Saturday we can wake up before dawn to pack for a day of youth sports.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 12, 2016
8. Sundays are no longer sacred, either.
God: Thou shalt rest on Sunday.
Kids sports: hahaha yeah ok God
— Rodney Lacroix (@moooooog35) September 23, 2018
9. The sports schedule makes life busy, and dinner impossible.
What I love most about my kids being in sports is how an active lifestyle is their norm and also how I never know whether we'll be eating dinner at 3:45pm or a quarter to midnight.
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) February 6, 2018
10. The weather also makes it challenging for parents-
If you withstand 100+ degree heat to watch your child play a sport, you're automatically going to heaven.
It's in the Bible.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) July 1, 2018
11. -and challenging for the kids, too.
"Toughen up!" I yell to my kids from the car as they shiver on the field at soccer practice.
— Amy Flory (@FunnyIsFamily) October 16, 2015
12. Kids always seem to lose their equipment is when it's most needed.
My phone just reminded me that my son has soccer practice in six hours, which means in 5 hours & 55 minutes he'll tell me he can't find his cleats.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) April 18, 2018
13. (Though some of them may think that's a good thing!)
My son forgot his "penis cup" before his baseball game this weekend and played really well so now he's convinced the penis cup is possibly cursed and this isn't even the weirdest thing that will happen this week
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) May 7, 2018
14. And the laundry. Good Lord, the LAUNDRY.
There's nothing like a once-weekly extracurricular activity with a designated shirt to remind you just how infrequently you do laundry.
— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) April 15, 2017
15. At least they're learning all about sports, right? I mean, I guess? Maybe not.
*The night before week four of t-ball*
Me: You ready for your next t-ball game, pal?
4yo: What's t-ball?
Me: A waste of money, apparently.— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) May 10, 2015
16. But the most important thing is, the kids enjoy it. Well, sometimes.
My son is totally going to make the the All-Star Team for kids who beg to play a sport and then whine every time they have to go to practice.
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) September 11, 2018
Kids' sports programs can be a hassle at times for us parents, but we still do it, & we love it (sometimes). See you on the soccer field- nice & early!
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